start with an aperitif and hors d'oeures and share in conversation with Fred from Nature's Choice Farm
then be seated for five courses of all local culinary delight
special seating at 7:30pm for anyone wanting to dine with the farmers
farmers dining include Alan from Windhaven Farm and Jim from Wood Mood Garden
KC Buffalo Farm bison ravioli in a
Nature's Choice Farm spring herb sauce
vegetarian option- Beau Solias Farm mushroom ravioli in a
Nature's Choice Farm spring herb sauce
house smoked Troutdale Farm trout mousse
Windhaven Farms pork chop with Wood Mood Garden strawberries and Western Hills Produce Farm basil
vegetarian option- Central Soyfood tofu with Wood Mood Garden strawberries and Western Hills Produce Farm basil
Padgett's Pastured Poultry Farm poached duck eggs and
Windhaven Farm pork rinds on Wood Mood Garden mustard greens
finish with Wood Mood Garden baby beet cake